Monday, April 23, 2018

Grant of CBLR licence

Grant Of licence 

(1) The Commissioner of Customs shall, on payment of fee of five thousand rupees grant  licence in Form B to an applicant who has passed the oral examination within two months of the date of declaration of the said results.

(2) The applicant who has been granted licence under sub- regulation (1) shall be eligible to work as Customs Broker in all Customs Stations subject to intimation in Form C to the Commissioner of Customs of the Customs Station where he intends to transact business. A copy of this intimation shall also be sent to the  Commissioner of Customs who has issued the licence in Form B.

 Execution of bond and furnishing of security.-
(1) Before granting the licence under regulation 7, the Commissioner of Customs shall require the successful applicant to enter into the bond in Form D and where specified a surety bond in Form E for due observance of these regulations and furnish a bank guarantee, a postal security or National Saving Certificate in the name of Commissioner of Customs for an amount of five lakhs rupees for carrying out the business as Customs Broker.

(2) In cases where a postal security or National Saving Certificate is furnished, the benefit of interest accruing thereon shall accrue to the Customs Broker concerned.  

Period of validity of a licence.-
(1) A licence granted under regulation 6 shall be valid for a period of ten years from the date of issue and shall be renewed from time to time in accordance with the procedure specified in sub-regulation (2):

            Provided that a licence granted to a Customs Broker, authorised under the Authorised Economic Operator Programme referred to in Board's Circular No. 28/2012-Customs dated 16.11.2012, shall not require renewal till such time the said authorisation is valid.

(2) The Commissioner of Customs may, on an application made by the licensee before the expiry of the validity of the licence under sub-regulation (1), renew the licence for a further period of ten years from the date of expiration, if the performance of the licensee is found to be satisfactory with reference, inter alia, to the obligations specified in this regulation including the absence of instances of any complaints of misconduct.

(3) The fee for renewal of a licence shall be five thousand rupees.

 Licence not transferable.-
Every licence granted or renewed under these regulations shall be deemed to have been granted or renewed in favour of the licensee, and no licence shall be sold or otherwise transferred.

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