Thursday, April 26, 2018

Customs Valuation (Determination of Value of imported Goods) Rules, 2007

 VALUATION Explain the provisions of determination of value under the Customs Valuation Rules in case the value declared by the importer does not represent the transaction or 
Valuation of the goods imported. 

In case the value declared by the importer does not represent the transaction value of the goods imported, the value shall be determined by proceeding sequentially through rules 4 to 9 of the custom valuation (Determination of value of Imported Goods) Rules, 2007. 

These Rules are framed by central Govt Under the provisions of Sec. 14 of Customs Act, 1962 . 

Transaction value: 
Transaction value means the value reffered to in sub- section (1) of Section 14 of Customs Act,1962. ie
  •  The price actually paid or payable for the goods when sold for export to India (except in case of exceptions), 
  • For delivery at the time and place of importation,
  •  Where the buyer and seller of the goods are not related, 
  • Price is the sole consideration for the sale, 

Rule 3

Subject to Rule 12, the value of imported goods shall be the Transaction Value adjusted in accordance with provisions of Rue 10 of Customs Valuation (Determination of Value of Imported (Goods)) Rules, 2007.

 Rule 3 (2) 

Transaction value can be accepted only if the following requirements are satisfied. 

i) No restrictions on buyer for disposal of goods 
ii) Sale not subject to condition of which value cannot be determined. Ex: buyer to buyer same other goods in specified quantity.
 iii)No further consideration of which adjustment cannot be made seller should not get part subsequent sale. 
iv) Unrelated buyer and seller. 

If the value cannot be detrmined under the provisions of sub- rule(1) or rejected under rule 12, the value shall be determinined by proceeding sequentially through rule 4 to 9 

Rule 4 : Transaction value of identical goods., 
Subject to the provisions of Rule 3, the value of the imported goods shall be the transaction value of identical goods sold for export to India and imported at or about the same time as the goods being valued. If more than one TV is available, the lowest value shall be taken. The provisionally assesed value of identical goods cannot be taken unto account. 

Rule 5 : Transaction Value of similar goods. 
Subject to the provisions of rule 3, the value of the imported goods shall be the transaction value of similar goods for export to India and imported at or about the same time as the goods being valued. If more than one TV is available, the lowest value shall be taken. The provisionally assesed value of similar goods cannot be taken unto account. 

Rule 6: 
Where the Value the of the imported goods cannot be determined under rule 3, 4 and 5, the value shall be determined under rule 7 or rule 8. At the request of importer, the application of rules 7and 8 shall be reversed.

 Rule 7 : 
Deductive Value In case valuation cannot be done under rule 3,4,and 5,the Value of the imported goods shall be ‘based on the unit price at which, imported goods or identical or similar imported goods are sold in the greatest aggregate quantity to persons who are not related to the sellers in India. This rule would normally not be applicable when, as a result of further processing, the imported goods lose their identity (or) 

Rule 8: Computed Value 
In case valuation cannot be done under rule 7, the Value of the imported goods shall be done on the basis of 'computed value', which shall consist of the sum of the cost or value of materials and fabrications etc., employed in producing the imported goods,profit and general expenses, freight,insurance and handling charges etc incurred upto place of importation. The above costs are to be reckoned in the country of production and not in India. 

Rule 9 : Residual Method 
Where the value of imported goods cannot be determined under the provisions of any of the preceding rules, the value shall be determined, using reasonable means on the basis of data available in India. To extent possible the value to be based on previously determined customs values. 
This rules specifically bars fixing of i) minimum customs values ii) arbitrary or fictitious values.

 Rule 10 (1): 
The following elements are required to be added to the value to determine the transaction Value.

 (i) Commissions and brokerage, except buying commissions. 
(ii)Cost of Container / packing etc.,
 (iii) Engineering / development / artwork, design work etc. 
(iv) Royalties and license fees, related to the imported goods with a condition of sale on such (imported) supplied goods. 

Rule 10 (2) 
The Value of the imported goods shall be the value of such goods, for delivery at the time and place of importation and shall include.(if not already included) 

(a) The Cost of transport. 
(b) Loading / Unloading / Handling changes. 
(c) The cost of insurance. 
If the cost of transport (freight) is not ascertainable, it shall be @ 20% of FOB. If the cost of insurance is not ascertainable, it shall be 1.125% of FOB. However, in respect of imports by Air, the freight shall be limited to 20% of the FOB price of the supplier, wherever the Air freight exceeds 20% 

Rule 12 
This Rule details the scope and powers of customs officer the circumstances in which transaction value could be rejected by the officer of customs. Rejection of declared value done if 

(i) Contemporaneous value significantlly higher
 (ii)Abnormal discount 
 iii)Special discounts 
 iv)Mis declaration of description, quality, quantity, coo, year of manufacture
 v) Non-declaration of brand, grade, specification 
 vi) Fraudulent manipulated documents.

1 comment:

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Customs Valuation (Determination of Value of imported Goods) Rules, 2007

  VALUATION Explain the provisions of determination of value under the Customs Valuation Rules in case the value declared by the importer d...